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This summer Rosie Frank challenged herself to a ‘Pier to Pier’ kayak trip on the South Coast, raising money to fund an incredible school trip to Ghana where she can help to teach children and build classrooms there.

We sponsored Rosie in return for a nice big logo on her kayak to help add to her fund raising effortsvfor the Ghana trip. After carefully studying the tide times and waiting for the optimum weather conditions Rosie and dad Jonathan paddled off from Worthing Pier on Sunday morning with their sights set on Brighton Pier 13 miles away. No mean feat, even for the most experienced paddler!

Congratulations to both on successfully completing the mission in 3hrs 30 minutes and we hope Rosie is well on the way to raising all the money she needs to get to Ghana.

Go Rosie Go!

If you fancy a paddling challenge like Rosie, a Pier to Pier Sea Kayak is fantastic fun and a great workout and please do your pre-start checks before setting off. We have found an excellent short guide to sea kayaking here produced by the wonder that is the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution).


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